A Travellerspoint blog

Leon, Nicaragua

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We arrived in Leon on Sunday, only to find that most places were closed. We actually had a difficult time locating a hotel, as four of the ones that we visited were not open for business. It is very hot and humid here. That's a big change from the southern part of country which normally has a nice coastal breeze. Like Granada, Leon is an old colonial town with a strong Spanish influence. The town has several park squares, with old churches and cathedrals. It was a bit livelier on Monday, but certainly quieter than other areas that we have visited. Most tourists prefer to stay in the south or along the coast, so Leon is a bit off the beaten path.

Nicaragua has been a great place to visit. With the bus and mini-bus services, it has been very easy to get around; although no air conditioning can make for a very hot and sticky trip. The main roads are in good condition, and most of the Pacific coast is developed. The interior and the Caribbean side of the country remain difficult to reach due to poor roads.

The Nica people have been very friendly. However, communication has been difficult at times since very few people here speak English, and our Spanish skills could only be described as comical at best. I am convinced that Steve simply makes up words that sound Spanish...usually by just adding an "O" at the end of certain words. "We needo a taxio to the aeropuerto."

After seeing the main cities and visiting the beaches, we have decided to move on. We're heading back to Managua for the night, and then we are flying to Panama City in the morning.

Ann & Steve

P.S., we didn't post any pictures this time because the camera is on the fritz (again!) We will probably buy another one in Panama City.

Posted by sslatzer 10:17 Archived in Nicaragua Tagged tourist_sites

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